Chasse à la truffe grecque aux Météores

Today, Greek truffles grace many gourmet plates throughout Greece. The pursuit of Greek truffle hunting has transformed into an exciting adventure with delectable culinary rewards. It has also evolved into a lucrative enterprise that attracts new enthusiasts each year.

The Natural History Museum of Meteora and the Mushroom Museum host an annual Greek Truffle Hunting event in the stunning forests surrounding Kalambaka, where visitors can experience a one-of-a-kind truffle hunting adventure.

The Meteora region is particularly well-suited for Greek truffle hunting, featuring wild Greek truffles and easy accessibility, as coaches can conveniently reach the area. Participants can choose to engage in truffle hunting either alongside visits to nearby monasteries and attractions or as a standalone activity.

With a trained Greek truffle hunter and his skilled dogs leading the way, the search begins in various corners of the forest. Enthusiastic visitors follow the dogs as they tirelessly sniff for Greek truffles. Once located, the truffles are collected by the hunters and presented to the chefs, who then whip up delicious truffle pasta.

The chefs share their secrets for crafting pasta dishes infused with Greek truffles and offer hunters a tasting of different varieties of wild mushrooms. As bottles of wine are uncorked, everyone gathers to indulge in a delightful meal filled with new and exciting flavors.